If I Was Principal For A Day

Mrs. Tanikawa is out sick and they have asked me to step in as principal for the day. I would make school start at 9:40. The reason I would make school start at 9:40 is because if you didn’t sleep good, well then you could sleep in. Also, I would make breaks a bit longer so you could have a bit more time to go the bathroom. To ensure everyone has lunch I would have a bot to open to put food inside and deliver it to the student or teacher! Another things I would do is bring back pizza for a one day if everyone behaves good and doesn’t litter! For the end of the school day, I would have people who would want to have free time to work on something on class in the library or outside anywhere they want, but in sight of staff. ( If it was a Wednesday I would do the last part).

Rad Reading- November

PAX- Sara Penny Packer

Pax, (the fox) and Peter, (the boy who found him) after they met each other, they have inseparable. From the day Peter recused Pax as a kit. But one day, Peter’s dad enlists in the military and makes him return Pax to the wild. He goes to his grandfathers house three hundred miles away. He knows he isn’t where he’s suppose to be. With his best friend Pax. He yearns to be back with his fox, and be reunited. Pax is waiting for him, making adventures and discoveries along the way as he’s not reunited with Peter.

I liked this book since it taught me to always cherish the moments you have with family members or friends. You never know what can happen. At any time. Also, this book showed pictures of some scenes. I am more of visual learner, so this really made me understand more of the book.

My favorite character is Peter. He is humble. One quote to demonstrate this is, ‘ “ The boy looked at his father for a long moment, his eyes streaking again. And then he dried his face with the neck of his T-shirt and nodded. He reached into his jeans pocket and withdrew an old plastic soldier, fox’s favorite toy.” ’

My favorite quote is, “Sometimes the apple rolls very far from the tree.” This quote is meaningful to me because, it means children are like their parents. Although this quote is sad, I reminds me of how in the book, When Peter, let his fox go, he knew why he had to. He knew that sometime they would reunite or find a way to connect to each other. They were both torn.

Windy Day

When I woke up, I could hear the leafs rumbling outside on the cold foggy morning. The leafs from the tree outside my house had fallen off from the wind blowing through the neighborhood. It was a Wednesday. I walked outside to see a big puddle in the backyard. I went upstairs to put on a cozy outfit and brought a throw blanket outside. My mom was making breakfast. She made pancakes with Nutella.My favorite! As I finished, I started to close the main door of the house for a nice walk. It was very frigid while I walked. I checked the weather, it was sixty five degrees Celsius. No wonder it was so cold. I scurried back quickly. A leaf frantically blowed onto my face. The leaf from the tree that had been losing it leaves outside my house. When I arrived back home, I saw a pigeon flying. My mom called me to come to the kitchen. She informed me we were going to the park. I was happy, I love the park. It has a playground, a volleyball court with sand. I said, “Okay”. My mom and I had so much fun at the park playing volleyball and talking. I returned home for a nice shower and meal.